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Secrets to Ancient

Health & Healing

...And It's in the Bible Code!
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The ancient book of the Zohar is a source regarding the secrets to ancient Health & healing power!
Read English translation below!
Old Hebrew Zohar Title Pic.PNG
Good health scroll.PNG
It is written that once, Rabbi Yosi and his son, Rabbi Chiya, met a man who was collecting medicinal herbs in the field. When the man approached these two Rabbis, he perceived that a certain herb entered in to them by an odor they emitted. He at once instructed them to eat a certain type of other herb. They did as they were instructed to do and then fell in to a deep sleep for a long time, bathed in perspiration. When they awakened, the man told them that, "I can see that your God is with you, that that He wanted you to be healed through me (my knowledge that I have regarding natural herbs of healing)."  The man then explains to the rabbis that his father was a great expert in (the power of healing through the knowledge of) herbs than anyone else in the time he lived, and that his father taught him the powers and the uses of all the herbs that have the true quality of healing and health benefits.  After, when the man uses specific herbs to perform a feat which is beyond our understanding of the events that took place next, the man then says to the rabbis who witnessed what he had done, exclaiming: "If people only knew the great high wisdom regarding all that the Holy One Blessed be He /God has planted in this world, and all the power regarding all that is to be found in the world, everyone would acknowledge the power of their Master/Creator in His great wisdom (there would be no atheists)! However, the Lord purposely hid this wisdom and knowledge from humanity (with the exception of a few) in order that people do not turn from following after the Lord and His ways (of praying to Him and keeping his commandments/laws) by trusting in that wisdom alone, thus forgetting our God/Creator."
Later, when Rabbi Yossi and Rabbi Chiya returned to the greatest sage of that time (and even more so now) Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, he told them: "Surely that was a wise man (who you met)! Observe, that there is no grass or herb that grows on the earth in which much wisdom and great power in heaven (which is its source and essence) is not manifested (in this world)."

Now is your chance to gain access to some of this knowledge and to benefit from it with great improved health!

Its in the Bible Code!
See below

Hebrew Matrix - Improve Health w name covered.PNG
English Overlay Matrix - Improve Health w name covered.PNG
Hebrew Matrix with English Overlay of the two words found in the Matrix:
Improve Health
Hebrew Matrix showing the Hebrew two words found in the Matrix לשפר בריאות:
Improve Health -

Do you want to know what it is that is hidden in this Matrix that can change your life for the better very quickly ?  If you already answered "YES", then click the link below. If you are not sure, then please continue reading.

This new discovery is 100% completely natural. It is a great way -if not the best, to lose weight safely without dieting, plus many other great health benefits. This works according to the natural chemistry and order that God made and designed your body! Because there is a great deal of verified  science to verify and support this product and how it works so incredibly, it is very easy for most people to forget about the true wisdom and beneficence of the Lord who is behind all this. This is exactly what was warned in the Zohar 2,000 years ago! Because of this, I want to emphasize how important it is to know that G-d is the one who is making this all possible, and that in His Great Kindness, He is allowing us to have great benefit from His High Wisdom so that we give thanks to Him, praise His Name, and come closer to Him! Click the Link below to find out more and try this great natural product for yourself. After, you can send me an email, and I will be happy to send you the complete matrix with the revealed product name in the Bible Code!
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